Dad, I'm sorry I'm not here right now
To hug you and to say,
How much I love and cherish you
On this first Father's Day.
I'm sorry that my time on earth
Was so very brief,
But know that I am in a place
That is glorious beyond belief!
I want to take a moment, Dad,
And share the things I know.
I have learned so much from watching you
And the example that you show.
Although you're in the midst of a trial,
You press forward day by day.
And because your testimony has never wavered,
You have taught me about faith.
I see you bow your head each day,
Your concerns and hopes you share.
You stand tallest when you're on your knees.
You have taught me the power of prayer.
I have watched you care for mom.
You've held her close when there are no words.
You put her needs before your own.
You have taught me to love and serve.
I rejoice when you're in the temple,
Because there we can be together.
You are steadfast in your covenants.
You have taught me about forever.
There are many other things I've learned
From the greatest dad on earth,
But these principles are most important
For the mission I've been called to serve.
Thank you, Dad, for teaching me
To love as Christ has loved.
And now I'm sending that love to you
From Heaven up above.
(Written by Heather-- from Tace to his Daddy)
Brian truly is an amazing dad! I see the love that he has for our sweet Tace and I am constantly amazed at his goodness. I am positive that Tace has seen these principles in practice as he has watched the example his dad has set. I know that over these past seven months Brian has helped to increase my testimony of faith, the power of prayer, love, service, and the promises of forever. He is such a strength to me and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and Tace is blessed to have such an amazing Dad! We love you with all our hearts Bri! Thanks for being an example to us both...on both sides of the veil.